Sunday, December 29, 2013


Discovering your own ability to really live powerfully... you will require an understanding of what ‘stillness’ means... routine, daily stillness… 
yes, daily take some ‘Joy Time’ for you.
YOU ‘NEED’… yes I say ‘YOU NEED’… low stimulation… soothing sounds of nature… classical music… or just complete quiet… to ‘feel’ the stillness… 
I was able to enjoy the ‘Bad Lands’ with such peaceful bliss… the last couple of times I was there… no telephone or electrical wires could be seen or felt for a radius of 50 miles… I felt so much stillness... freedom of spirit… as the weight of sound was lifted from earth… actually a blissfulness that has no description… just an awesome pure peaceful joy… like the Grand Canyon or some magnificent other mountain natural formations… the stillness is limitless… the stillness of sound… formulates a soft scale of notes… heard only to those of you who choose… 
to allow these notes… to play daily, in moments of your life.
Traffic, stressful jobs, eating out, running errands, 
the constant motion that seeps your willfulness of living powerfully… 
of living joyfully…

This constant motion of energy… lessens our joy in our day to day mindfulness. Routine allows a certain level of unconsciousness to go on… many of us are so busy in motion… we are days ahead… our unconsciousness is planning the future. Allow our joy of being in the now of conscious creative thoughts… 

This is your life… just periodically ‘STOP’… Enjoy the moment for 5 minutes, 15 minutes or a couple of hours… 

Joy magnifies your creative magic right now… in your mind’s eye say and feel “joy.” Now again … in your minds… out loud. “JOY”.  Feel the energy in your body and spirit shifting… if not try again… in your mind’s eye. 

Creative thoughts are pre conceived future programs… 
this can bring joy in the future… Creative magic is the joy of now… 
the awareness of now.
‘Mentally’ to feel how great we feel right now, 
to know how well we feel right now.

Physically’ acting on our creative thoughts… within a time period… 
doing that project that brings you joy... 
that project that still holds your passion.

‘Emotionally’ accepting how you allowed yourself to keep 'joy' a secret…
to yourself… in your day to day activities. 
Allowing the bringing of joy to you… 
as a blessed lesson learned.

Retreat to emptiness… unplug electrical anything for a day. 
Take a mush day… my absolute favorite day. Take an hour to allow your senses to have a sense.  

Take actions to stimulate joy in day to day activities.

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