Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I choose to allow grief in my mind, body and spirit, to feel this grief completely. Allow grief to finish its emotional energy function or pathway through these three systems. Stuck emotions create physical dis-ease.  Indigenous people throughout the world allow their systems to process grief (this emotion) for months. Some cultures have a mourning period for up to a year.  Some cultures also have mourning women to grieve for a person or family. Our culture is getting better with acknowledging this process. This has only been in the last few years. Remember being told, ‘Be strong’, don’t  cry and not complain. Just continue smiling, through an uncomfortable challenges from the past.

Right now think of a past or present situation that has caused or is causing your any level of grief.
Take a breath, a big inhale, release an exhale as a loud sigh from your abdomen. 
 AAhhh... Can you feel the vibration at the bottom of your lung lobes?  You can feel this is your abdominal cavity. If not do it again.
I know this feels good.

Now say Grief out loud...
Feel the vibration in the chest area... eminating outword.
to your energy field.

Think now of how you have went through a past grief process. 
This can be a weight loss... a pet loss... letting go of a way of life...
loss of a parent... a child, a friend... 
 a job... a relationship... 
letting go of an illness...
loss from what you have enjoyed in the past. 
Loss from what you.. your parents... grandparents... 
or DNA has held onto.

What systems were significant? 
Grief brings numbing to body systems,
open to free you flow.

What allowed to you now remember, mental (forgetting), physical (illness),
emotional, (depression, fear or anger or numbing of these emotions).
What allowed you to go on with your daily activities?
Think about what soothes and comforts you... crying... food... exercise... shopping... staying alone... a massage... a long awaited vacation.

Think of how you can allow your life to be altered or changed, in the future. 
To cry... tears allow you to feel better... releases toxic channels built up from emotional stress... 
tears contain beta-endorphins our body’s natural pain releases proteins.
To walk or exercise opens up your whole being... 
These will give a temporary euphoric feeling thru your mind. 

These short relaxations can and will multiply DNA cells… your mitochondria tips will multiply to keep you mentally, physical and emotionally alert well beyond what you might think now.

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