Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy New Year 2014
Two New Moons in January 1 and the 30
& Chinese New Year February 31
January's 10’ Capricorn new Moon falls on January 1, 
Ushering in the new year of 2014. 
This New Moon is a major, very powerful New Moon. 
The Moon, the Sun, Pluto and Mercury all together within a few degrees very closely squaring Mars in Libra, also squaring Uranus in Aries and opposing Jupiter. 
It will seem as nothing is moving forward.
This new Moon is such a powerful one, that people could feel all kinds of disruptive emotions; exploding at others (or at themselves), running around in circles, remembering old hurts, feeling like throwing everything out, etc. There are good things about this new Moon, but it will take some managing of the emotions and reactions to get to the kernel of what is good about it. We often feel very much 'alive' with these kinds of energies pushing us forward and it may just be a matter of focus, ambition and determination to prevail, that moves us forward to where we want to be. This can be a very ambitious mixture of energies and it can lead us to accomplish great, far reaching and amazing things. 
New Moon January 30, 10’ Aquarius
Choose or wish clearly. Shooting stars will be noticed that can enhance your thoughts. Sunrises will be spectacular. Energies are going in all different directions. Economy will seem like we are moving forward. Transformations  will be for personal growth in relationships and our economy.

Mercury Retrograde February 6, however, mixed energies will start on the 3rd. Ends the by March 1. 

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