Sunday, July 28, 2013

Retrain Your Brain Your Way

Re-train Your Brain
Each time you repeat a harmfull behavior -- overeating, overspending, procrastinating or any addictive behavior -- the brain circuits involved in that action become stronger. The brain associates this action with the situation that gave rise to it, such as being under great stress.
Over time time the brain becomes rewired to choose that behavior automaticly in any similar situation.
You can rewire your brain to choose constructive habits...

Step 1 : Re-lable
Negative habits are triggered by deceptive brain messages -- thoughts, beliefs and impulsives that run counter to your positive intentions.  Unpleasent emotions or physical sensations such as sadness, anxiety, anger or fatique. This comfort can become so intense you are driven to get rid of this as soon as possible. This is only tempory relief.
Relabeling means recognizing your impulsive negative thought,s as deceptive brain messages and calling them what they are, as they are happening.
I am craving -------- (something), just because I allowed this to become a habit for my negative thoughts.

Becoming aware of these messages can be challenging at first. To relabel,
Practice mental notes. Think of a positve mantra or one simple word,  that your brain can focus on to redirect what is going on in you temporairy thoughts. 
These simple steps can snap your self back to your awareness.
This is the first step toward doing something about your situation in a safe healthy productive way.

Step 2: Focus:
On your breathing. Enhance your ability to notice what's happening in a moment to moment way is by focusing on your breath. For five minutes, sit in a quiet place, close your eyes and simply pay attention. as you inhale and exhale, feeling your brain responding cantantly to your thinking Focused on breath for  10 to 15 minutes, than 15 to 25 minutes than up to 30 minutes once a day.
As you become aware of your deceptive brain messages. your perception and perspective of these messages will change or diminish. Question what is going on or what you are tellingg ypourself.
Be compassionate with yourself.
Use 15 minutes to wait as you allow yourself to resist the thought brain urge.
Examine your feeling to learn how your brain can have this thought or feeling pass.

Step 3: Re-focus:
Do something that requires your attention. exercise, persue your hobby or take the time to find one call a friend or cook. 
Just work on not allowing this uncomfortable thought to take over your mind, body and spirit.
You are training your brain to create new associations between your thought and healthy actions.

Step 4: Re-value:
Gain new perspective and strength to believe in your self.
Think at your own pace.
Remember you do not have to act on that deceptive thought.
The essence of revalue is redefing your goals.

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