Sunday, December 29, 2013

Happy New Year 2014
Two New Moons in January 1 and the 30
& Chinese New Year February 31
January's 10’ Capricorn new Moon falls on January 1, 
Ushering in the new year of 2014. 
This New Moon is a major, very powerful New Moon. 
The Moon, the Sun, Pluto and Mercury all together within a few degrees very closely squaring Mars in Libra, also squaring Uranus in Aries and opposing Jupiter. 
It will seem as nothing is moving forward.
This new Moon is such a powerful one, that people could feel all kinds of disruptive emotions; exploding at others (or at themselves), running around in circles, remembering old hurts, feeling like throwing everything out, etc. There are good things about this new Moon, but it will take some managing of the emotions and reactions to get to the kernel of what is good about it. We often feel very much 'alive' with these kinds of energies pushing us forward and it may just be a matter of focus, ambition and determination to prevail, that moves us forward to where we want to be. This can be a very ambitious mixture of energies and it can lead us to accomplish great, far reaching and amazing things. 
New Moon January 30, 10’ Aquarius
Choose or wish clearly. Shooting stars will be noticed that can enhance your thoughts. Sunrises will be spectacular. Energies are going in all different directions. Economy will seem like we are moving forward. Transformations  will be for personal growth in relationships and our economy.

Mercury Retrograde February 6, however, mixed energies will start on the 3rd. Ends the by March 1. 

Discovering your own ability to really live powerfully... you will require an understanding of what ‘stillness’ means... routine, daily stillness… 
yes, daily take some ‘Joy Time’ for you.
YOU ‘NEED’… yes I say ‘YOU NEED’… low stimulation… soothing sounds of nature… classical music… or just complete quiet… to ‘feel’ the stillness… 
I was able to enjoy the ‘Bad Lands’ with such peaceful bliss… the last couple of times I was there… no telephone or electrical wires could be seen or felt for a radius of 50 miles… I felt so much stillness... freedom of spirit… as the weight of sound was lifted from earth… actually a blissfulness that has no description… just an awesome pure peaceful joy… like the Grand Canyon or some magnificent other mountain natural formations… the stillness is limitless… the stillness of sound… formulates a soft scale of notes… heard only to those of you who choose… 
to allow these notes… to play daily, in moments of your life.
Traffic, stressful jobs, eating out, running errands, 
the constant motion that seeps your willfulness of living powerfully… 
of living joyfully…

This constant motion of energy… lessens our joy in our day to day mindfulness. Routine allows a certain level of unconsciousness to go on… many of us are so busy in motion… we are days ahead… our unconsciousness is planning the future. Allow our joy of being in the now of conscious creative thoughts… 

This is your life… just periodically ‘STOP’… Enjoy the moment for 5 minutes, 15 minutes or a couple of hours… 

Joy magnifies your creative magic right now… in your mind’s eye say and feel “joy.” Now again … in your minds… out loud. “JOY”.  Feel the energy in your body and spirit shifting… if not try again… in your mind’s eye. 

Creative thoughts are pre conceived future programs… 
this can bring joy in the future… Creative magic is the joy of now… 
the awareness of now.
‘Mentally’ to feel how great we feel right now, 
to know how well we feel right now.

Physically’ acting on our creative thoughts… within a time period… 
doing that project that brings you joy... 
that project that still holds your passion.

‘Emotionally’ accepting how you allowed yourself to keep 'joy' a secret…
to yourself… in your day to day activities. 
Allowing the bringing of joy to you… 
as a blessed lesson learned.

Retreat to emptiness… unplug electrical anything for a day. 
Take a mush day… my absolute favorite day. Take an hour to allow your senses to have a sense.  

Take actions to stimulate joy in day to day activities.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I choose to allow grief in my mind, body and spirit, to feel this grief completely. Allow grief to finish its emotional energy function or pathway through these three systems. Stuck emotions create physical dis-ease.  Indigenous people throughout the world allow their systems to process grief (this emotion) for months. Some cultures have a mourning period for up to a year.  Some cultures also have mourning women to grieve for a person or family. Our culture is getting better with acknowledging this process. This has only been in the last few years. Remember being told, ‘Be strong’, don’t  cry and not complain. Just continue smiling, through an uncomfortable challenges from the past.

Right now think of a past or present situation that has caused or is causing your any level of grief.
Take a breath, a big inhale, release an exhale as a loud sigh from your abdomen. 
 AAhhh... Can you feel the vibration at the bottom of your lung lobes?  You can feel this is your abdominal cavity. If not do it again.
I know this feels good.

Now say Grief out loud...
Feel the vibration in the chest area... eminating outword.
to your energy field.

Think now of how you have went through a past grief process. 
This can be a weight loss... a pet loss... letting go of a way of life...
loss of a parent... a child, a friend... 
 a job... a relationship... 
letting go of an illness...
loss from what you have enjoyed in the past. 
Loss from what you.. your parents... grandparents... 
or DNA has held onto.

What systems were significant? 
Grief brings numbing to body systems,
open to free you flow.

What allowed to you now remember, mental (forgetting), physical (illness),
emotional, (depression, fear or anger or numbing of these emotions).
What allowed you to go on with your daily activities?
Think about what soothes and comforts you... crying... food... exercise... shopping... staying alone... a massage... a long awaited vacation.

Think of how you can allow your life to be altered or changed, in the future. 
To cry... tears allow you to feel better... releases toxic channels built up from emotional stress... 
tears contain beta-endorphins our body’s natural pain releases proteins.
To walk or exercise opens up your whole being... 
These will give a temporary euphoric feeling thru your mind. 

These short relaxations can and will multiply DNA cells… your mitochondria tips will multiply to keep you mentally, physical and emotionally alert well beyond what you might think now.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

is about stepping into the energy of what is going to generate a possibility in life.
 If all you are doing is trying to maintain what you have or what was,
 you give up your possibility for passion,
 in what you are trying to maintain.

If what you have now is not big enough, it’s not good enough, it’s not fun enough, 
you are going in the wrong direction.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Full Cold Moon - Venus Retrograde

Full Cold Moon Gemini 4:28 AM

In this area, we are in a dormant stage. 
‘Winter' is a time when energy is being used to reinforce the roots, to strengt-hen the support system and to build up the nourishment that we require and what is needed for the coming season. 
Growth, the fruits of spring and summer.
 There is no point trying to force growth now.

Remember the importance of each “season”.

In the situation facing you, it may be wise to prepare for more vibrant and expansive times, by using this period to get rest, 
to recharge your batteries…  on every level. 

Plans you’ve got for accomplishing things now may not work. This is a time of withdrawal and inner growth. A planning time of new beginnings. 
Patience is needed for the time being. 
Emotions can become dull and you may feel or be less responsive, decisions may be difficult to make. 
Stop and recharge. 
Use this time to make plans for the future. It is a good to observe how others are coping and consider how to help them or have them help you. Imagine your calm and serenity, as the cold gives each a different pace.

Venus retrograde, 12/21/2013 in Capricorn.

Venus is associated with love, beauty, and relationships.

With the change to retrograde, means that whom or what we love, of what relationships mean in your life, of what is beautiful and attractive - is about to change. As you embrace the new stereotype you have created, you will not remember what you thought about your past preferences.

Being open to new ideas allows a chance for new discovery of exciting opportunities. This could be more than you ever imagined.
Avoid hasty decisions in relationships.
As well as purchases and investments.

Keep an open mind and you will see the unexpected can be more than you imagined.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Word Seeds

I will be posting weekly ‘Word Seeds’ to think or feel, 
in various emotional releasing.
I have used these as meditations with various groups and classes.
These are rewriting for ‘Word Seeds or thoughts’ to give your 
human side a pause. To enjoy... a different freedom.
Victoria’s Wisdoms
Look for new possibilities from my work.

I will also be doing more work by text or email.
Intuitional or Tarot Coaching will be done this way.
This has worked with International Clients 

for years.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I will be posting weekly ‘Word Seeds’ to think or feel, 
in various emotional releasing.
I have used these as meditations with various groups and classes.
These are rewriting for ‘Word Seeds or thoughts’ to give your 
human side a pause. To enjoy... a different freedom.

Think of what ‘surrender’ means by definition,
To give up possession of power,
To resign, to give in, to relinquish,
To submit to a superior or higher power.
Maybe just any power.

Think what this word means to you…
To ‘surrender’, Mentally is to give up the ego based direction, to realize the ego holds us from pleasures we are here to grow from.

In your minds eye, to yourself say, ‘SURRENDER’.
Feel saying “surrender” starting your upper chest area.
surrrrr....feel the vibration resonate in the chest area. Breathe into to vibration. Feel a uplift in that area. In hale and exhale, slowly. Enjoy the surrendering in this area. Feel the tightness release. Deep Breath.

To ‘surrender’, Physically is to give up possession. To reject what is no longer a functioning asset, a value, to your present or future well being.
You can ‘surrender’ to enjoy, to be passionate about living your life on your level. To life and its fullest joy.
Feel the word ‘surrender’ resonating in your solar plexus,
eeennnn..... feel the vibration twirling around. Moving out old emotions.
Visualize in  your minds eye the lemniscate. Picture you moving in a line like the figure 8. The lemniscate can be horizontal or sideways or however it reveals itself to you.
Breath in this area. Feel this area vibrate. In hale exhale. In hale exhale. Release the breath.
Your whole core is strong again.

To ‘surrender’, Emotionally or Spirituality is to give into detachment. Submit to your superior force. of just letting go. Let go.
derrrrr... feel the vibration in your base chakra area. Breathe into this good space of clearing. Inhale exhale. Slowly In hale exhale.
Deep breath and release ‘AAhhh...’
 Be aware of how or what your mind, body and spirit is responding to, as you say or hear this word, 
How does this resinate through your entire being? 
Where are you not feeling this light airy feeling?

Where are you feeling this most in your body?

Monday, December 9, 2013

Full Moon - Venus Retrograde

Full Cold Moon Gemini 4:28 AM

In this area, we are in a dormant stage. 
‘Winter' is a time when energy is being used to reinforce the roots, to strengt-hen the support system and to build up the nourishment that we require and what is needed for the coming season. 
Growth, the fruits of spring and summer.
 There is no point trying to force growth now.

Remember the importance of each “season”.

In the situation facing you, it may be wise to prepare for more vibrant and expansive times, by using this period to get rest, 
to recharge your batteries…  on every level. 

Plans you’ve got for accomplishing things now may not work. This is a time of withdrawal and inner growth. A planning time of new beginnings. 
Patience is needed for the time being. 
Emotions can become dull and you may feel or be less responsive, decisions may be difficult to make. 
Stop and recharge. 
Use this time to make plans for the future. It is a good to observe how others are coping and consider how to help them or have them help you. Imagine your calm and serenity, as the cold gives each a different pace.

Venus retrograde, 12/21/2013 in Capricorn.

Venus is associated with love, beauty, and relationships.

With the change to retrograde, means that whom or what we love, of what relationships mean in your life, of what is beautiful and attractive - is about to change. As you embrace the new stereotype you have created, you will not remember what you thought about your past preferences.

Being open to new ideas allows a chance for new discovery of exciting opportunities. This could be more than you ever imagined.
Avoid hasty decisions in relationships.
As well as purchases and investments.

Keep an open mind and you will see the unexpected can be more than you imagined.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Lead by Example

Ways to Lead by Example

Successful leaders lead best by example. Through their actions, which are aligned with what they say, they walk their talk. They become a person others choose to follow.
Trust, a critical element of productive leadership. 

1. Take responsibility. Blame costs you your credibility. 

2. Be truthful. Show that honesty really IS the best policy. 

3. Be courageous. Take calculated risks that demonstrate commitment to a larger purpose. 

4. Acknowledge failure. You define failure as part of the process of becoming extraordinary.

5. Be persistent. Try again. Go over, under or around any challenges to show that obstacles can be dealt with.

6. Create solutions. Be the first to offer solutions and then ask for their opinion

7. Listen. Ask questions. Seek to understand. You’ll receive valuable insights, setting the tone that encourages healthy dialogue.

8. Delegate liberally. Encourage an atmosphere in which people can focus on their core strengths.

9. Take care of yourself. Exercise, don’t overwork, take a break. A balanced mind, mentally and physically, is a successful team. Love it, encourage it, support it!  

10. Roll up your sleeves. You’ll inspire greatness in your creative success.

One Small Change

One Small Shift
The most profound shifts are the ones you make on the inside. 
Annoyance can easily be turned into fascination. 
Frustration can be flipped to become gratitude. 
Anger can be transformed if you simply turn it into a song. 

The best part is…it’s all creative experimentation. 
What you don’t like your new created perspective, recreate it or just go back to your old one. 

Friday, October 11, 2013


As people, some get stuck because they see boundaries. 
They see limitations when limitations aren't there. We began that process when we're really very young. 
In our world, there's so much anxiety, and uncertainty, that I feel you can realize the fact that you don't have to live that way. 
There are simple things people can do to empower themselves, to deal with whatever circumstances they encounter in a healthy, happy way.

By becoming mindful of our limiting beliefs, and "self talk," we can work past illusionary ways of thought, and reach higher potentials. 
Allow inner talk from your 'soul whispers' to help your inner you, re-program past patterns and behaviors.
 One way to immediately improve one's well being is to start helping other people. By making a difference in the lives of other people,
 you quickly find merit in your own life. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Fill your mind, body and spirit today with JOY. 

Think, move and smile JOY. 

Notice the effect you than have on all around you.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Intent With Hypnosis


Hypnosis enables an individual to concentrate, from their minds eye, on the suggestions, they choose to work with with , the guidance of the 
Hypno Therapist. 
The excluding of any other thoughts can come easy at this time. 
Our minds are taking in other distractions from all directions.  When we allow our minds to focus on one thought, one intent, we increase our creative power.  The mind has tremendous resources utilizing our own personal power of mind, body, spirit, the synchronization programming that goes on is now creative intent.
 Commanding our intent, which starts from examining and then controlling our moment-to-moment thoughts, isn't something we do in one fell swoop.  It happens little-by-little over times of effort. The only important thing is to intend to from your intent, to wish it, to desire it with all our hearts, and not stop intending it.  
This is the magic and mystery of intent.  Even a weak intent, applied unremittingly over time, through thick and thin, acquires force.  Turning the wheel of chance is a matter of unbending intent and infinite patience.  
That's all. 
 With intent and patience eventually the wheel will turn. 

Finger Energies - Jewelry

Rings on the little finger is an unconventional personality, 
seeks unique stimulation, attractive and extraordinary. 
Very curious and ‘collects’ new impressions with sensitive stimulation.

The ring finger represents the sensitive area of your character. 
Any rings marriage or other, mean an emotional individual. 
An overbearing person, may wear a big obvious ring on this finger

The middle finger represents the area of self reliance.

The index finger, which is used to assist our gesturing in conversations, is expressive of initiative. 
The index finger, the personality that decorates this finger embellishes his or her impulses, will expressions, some arrogance, likes self.

Those that adorn or uses jewelry to accentuate her esthetic appearance pays attention to beauty and to the ideal of harmony.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Learning the Secret Language of Your Body

Your Guide Self Healing

 Understand the underlaying causes of your symptoms. Provide yourself with practical advise to empower you to self heal. Using hands on exercises, writing, drawing, movement, meditation, visualization and tapping along with breathing exercises, will allow you to discover the secret language of your body uses to communicate with you.

Connect to you ‘divine healing intelligence’. Understand and self heal emotions
Connect your deep breath, with your clarity, courage and motivation
Work with your nervous system to experience deeper, faster and more profound healing.

Use breath to increase intuition and release tension.
Super boost immune system to experience the power of power healing.
Learn a simple process you can do each morning to increase energy, look and feel younger.

Attune your mind and heart with realms of spirit,
 as you explore altered states of consciousness.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Be Assertive Without Alienating Your Significant Other

How to Be Assertive Without Alienating Your Significant Other

Asking for what you choose—and setting boundaries around what you don’t choose—is a key life skill. However, sometimes in our enthusiasm to practice this skill, we over-do our own assertiveness and ending up with a partner who shuts down, gets angry or feels resentful. Here are four tips for developing your assertiveness in a way that will actually strengthen, deepen and enrich your relationship.

Get Clear.
Being assertive starts with knowing what you are—and aren’t—willing to be, do, or have. Coming to this knowledge is a real task unto itself. Here, it may be useful to ask: “In an ideal world, what would I like to happen?” Focusing on an ideal outcome opens our minds, helps us get really clear on what we choose and don’t choose. 

Set Boundaries.
Once you know what outcome you need (or choose), share it with your partner. Pay attention to the way stating your boundary feels in your body. With practice, you can actually sense when you can feel really pleasurable, even exhilarating, to express your wishes or desires out loud. Mantra's like “such and such doesn’t work for me” are simple ways of being assertive while maintaining connection with your partner

Make a Regular Habit of Stating Your Wishes and Desires.
You can build your assertiveness the same way you build any muscle: exercise. Practice speaking up about your choosings', big or small, on a daily basis.  When you speak up about things that are less controversial—such as where to go to dinner, requesting help unloading the dishwasher or what TV program to watch—both you and your partner get used to your assertiveness. It becomes easier for you to practice and for your partner to hear. When bigger issues come along, you and your partner will have a healthy process in place for dealing with differences in needs, and you’ll have greater confidence in the resilience of your partnership

Give as Much as You Get.
Assertiveness is a two-way street. If you know your boundaries are to be respected, you must return the courtesy to your partner. If she or he doesn’t like you to use the bathroom when in the shower, don’t. If he or she asks you to give him a half an hour after work before you talk and connect, respect that. When it comes to following through on a partner’s reasonable request, actions really do speak louder than words.  

If your partner isn’t respecting your boundaries even though you’ve set them clearly, it may be time for professional help for you and/or your relationship.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

10 Steps For Manifestation

10 Steps For Manifestation

Manifestation is a powerful mind tool that very few actually
understand. Believe it or not, your thoughts create reality and you
have the power to achieve whatever you desire. We live in a world
without limits. The only thing that holds you back is yourself.

Many great minds have known this throughout history. Here are just
a few examples:

"You create your own universe as you go along" Winston Churchill
"All that we are is a result of what we have thought" - Buddha
"What this power is, I cannot say.  All I know is that it exists."
Alexander Graham Bell
"Imagination is everything.  It is the preview of life's coming
attractions." Albert Einstein
"Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve" W. Clement

List of 10 Manifestation Steps,
that will help you allow the most from your 
Manifestation Sessions.
 Relax your mind, body, and spirit(soul). Allow you to be totally relaxed,
   so relaxed as to allow positive energy to engulf your entire being.
 Let your mind’ ego to let go, allowing the opening your spiritual mind.
 Once you reached an Altered Conscious State, it's time toManifest.
 Picture yourself extremely happy and satisfied where you are feeling content.   Breathe into that feeling.
 Imaging that you have already accomplished your goal.
 Focus on the good feelings of reaching your dream.
Use only positive words and thoughts. Do not use any negative
     words whatsoever. If a word comes, Cancel that thought.
Linger on the good feelings, and imagine that it is really
Speak the words and vocalize how you achieved your success.
Believe you already conquered your goals with all your heart.

Accomplish The Challenge With Help
The Challenge of this process is the first 3 steps. An uneasy
mind leads to a dead end road. It can take extensive practice and
intense training to learn how to change your brain waves in order
to obtain the proper manifestation mindset, but attaining the
proper mindset is essential for Manifestation in it's fullest
Think and feel:
A Waterfall of holy water coming down from the your universe pouring over cleansing every part of your being, loving every part of that being. Now imagine a  bright  star hovering over that waterfall. 

You are there.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Synergy of the Whole Person

Synergy of the 
Whole Person
 Feeling the Balance within 

The balance of the mind, body and spirit with metaphysical solutions to a challenge can be 
spiritual or practical.
The mind, body and spirit in the now, of working together and feeling good.
Reaching you into yourself at a cellular level of your all.

As you are thinking or searching for a different life pace or a life style that can give you more? 
Are you aware of avoiding the lure of an illusionary stress? 
This be done with a job, relationship, health, finances, children, driving, etc. 
Avoiding complicated stress is fine, However, what is your solution? 
Whatever the time, you ‘need or  to choose’ a solution. You will seek a solution. Keep the essentials. 
Feel a genuine renewed energy based on lifestyle in harmony, in synergy with your rhythms 
and your soul whispers.

‘Dance the flow of your rhythms, honor those rhythms, and you’ll know who you are’. 
Sufi thought of unknown and mine together. Had T shirts made with this on.
Keep your sight on what is of value.  
Does Sacrifice of values for uncertain opportunities really bring harmony 
or synergy to your whole balance with in.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Transform Knowledge or Energy Into Reality

Transform Knowledge or Energy into Reality

Subtle Energy: in contrast to physical energy, moves faster than the speed of light, and bends all the laws of the universe. If we can learn to harness this energy, we can literally make or allow things happen, you could even say before they need to happen. I believe at least 98% of reality is actually born from subtle energy, the stuff that we typically can't see, touch or smell, and yet it permeates everything, it's the energy that makes things happen.
Relationships are all about subtle energies interacting with subconscious programs that communicate with other people. The interplay of subtle energy with health, issues such as arthritis or an injury that doesn't heal can be associated with blocked feelings. When these feelings are dealt with or processed, the problem sometimes clears up. Karma keeps the energy sometimes for a lifetime. 
However, this can be helped by Psychic Awareness, Shamanic Power or Regression Hypnotherapy: using Soul Retrieval assists to soul to affect the physical body. All or any healing technique can allow you to transform.
Psychic ability has been more prevalent at some times than others. At this point in time, the Sun is emanating an increased frequency into space which is affecting the Earth.
The shifting of the frequency on the Earth is resulting from the plasma formation making more expansive reality available, but for many of us, programming is working against that and trying to hold the old frequency.
A true shaman practitioner's power comes from the planet and cooperates with the laws of nature. In order for one to remain in the shamanic realm and avoid sorcery, including never taking energy from where it belongs, never putting energy where it does not belong, never working without permission and always doing no harm. To have true shamanic power one has to process out of our alpha brain waves to drop to 7.8 Hz, the frequency of the surface of Earth. 
This frequency can sometimes feel like you and your shadow are not working together. Dizziness. Ringing in ears. Some feel bouts of vertigo. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Restore Your Connection to Earth

Focus to Your Sound

Close your eyes
Focus on your breath 
Slowly breathing 
Slowly access breath
to a profound level of healing

Remain aware of your breath
Aware of your breath changes 
Focus attention on your breath
Return awareness to breath
Relinquish any expectation

Shift breath to heart 
Breathe into your heart
Your center of primordial sound vibration
Restore your sense of connection to earth
sounds create mantras
Focus on your inner sounds
Breathe in your sound
Open your eyes

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Blue - Not Just Color

The color blue has much meaning and healing properties.
It rules the 5th  Chakra which consists of the 
Thyroid and Parathyroid in the throat area.

It also deals with healing, meditation, forgiveness 
and creative communication.

Blue is also the color of foods that
is soothing to nerves
improves vision
rich for disease protection
clears arteries
enhances memory
reverses age related physical and mental challenges
promotes weight control

I know you are thinking of Blueberries.
Me Too. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Seeing Thru and Into Other Dimensions

Seeing Thru and Into Other Dimensions

All people posses extra-sensory abilities. Some of us are aware of this evolved ability. These are our gifts.
Some humans are color blind. Their eye sight has not yet evolved to the point where they can see all colors within the seven ray color spectrum.
In the past many people and cultures have used drugs to enhance this color effect. Drugs can even allow an individual to see into other dimensions.
Now at this point in time more people can see those same experiences without the use of drugs. We are evolving as higher beings.
Looking at a rainbow, allowing yourself to see a double rainbow, one that is underneath the other. Seeing this is a clear indication your eyes are evolving.
When you can see this double, the colors are more vibrant and intense.
Seeing inter-demensionally begins peripherally, not directly in front of you.
Have you ever thought you saw something moving and turned to look and there was nothing there? Or was there?
Scientists have now located an area of the brain which relates to a' higher vision' of clairvoyance that is related to the Pineal and Pituitary glands. The temporal area of the brain also shows more activity during intuitive readings.
Clairvoyance is tapping into another space and time. Day dreams can also be clairvoyance. Sign and symbols are a way of understanding what your particular 
clairvoyance can be. We all do not relate to signs and symbols the same. These are very different from individual to individual. Create and find out what these personal images mean to you.
People who have always seen higher vibrations or developed this ability are visual learners. 'I see' will tell you how these individuals view their world.
Visual people can take in the whole room or activity in a sweeping glance. Clairvoyants love windows, light and beautiful scenery. Their surroundings will be filled with colors, textures and shapes, that allow them to feel the lushness of life. 
Clairvoyants can be called 'Auric Visionors'. They possess the ability to see colored lights, shapes and vibrations around everything. Also they have sensitivity to energy or electric magnetic fields that surround all living things. Many people have this ability and just are not aware of it or just don't realize it.
Than there are individuals that have a big picture screen in their mind's eye. They can see another's patterns of life events. These readers may close their eyes a lot when talking to you.
We are at a time in humanity that is discovering new ways that to push beyond the perceived limits of our physical conditioning. Multi-dimensional realities do exist in and around earth. We, most humans, only use ten percent of their brain and 10 percent of their eye sight. When we use the divine blueprint to 
our inherent capacity, to fully develop our potential abilities.
This is our leap into the Fifth Dimension.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Regression - Hypnosis

Regression Sessions

A Regression brings to present the unconsciousness your past.
This past can be this life or a past experience,
 or a old past life.
Unconsciousness of thoughts pictures or issues
can be realized in this life from your conscious view or feeling
of a past situation.

The realization of the past and present situation can 
allow some to confront a variety of ways, to deal with the same issue in this life and move past it.

Hypnosis brings an individual
 to a more forward position in your 
present life.

Past Life Regressions
Reiki Regressions

Energetic Cords - A Sense of Closure

Energetic Cords- A Sense of Closure

The other day I had a client that was having a challenging time with relationships. Her last few relationships all ended the same way and lasted the same length of time.
I asked her if she had cut her cords from these past lovers. She never heard of this.
We all have energetic cords that attach to our heart and our physical bodies.
These cords stay long after the relationship has ended. I have even seen these attachments in Reiki and Past life Regression Therapies.
Individuals also can feel others emotions more severely and take it as their own. When cords stay intact your energy levels can be low. Cutting these cords will release you from the unwanted baggage of emotions, including sense of lose, sadness, cravings, careless relationships and worry.

Finding and cutting the unwanted past cords are simple. Some may have to be done again in stubborn cases.
Be strong in your intention to release the cord between you and another person.
Call in all your Guides, Arch Angles or your favorite Ascended Master. I call in all my Guides and Masters from all my life times for everything. I do not choose any one to feel left out. They all like to help.
Be conscious of your breath, breath deeply and center your self.
Visualize or sense the cords to separate them until you find the one that you feel needs cutting.
Don't worry you will find the right cord. When you have found the cord determine where you choose to cut it. I choose to cut mine as close to the heart or physical area that I can. 
Than where the cut is feel your healing power, like bright sunlight, being given back to you. Inhale this empowered healing feeling of you. The healing heat in that area will feel great. Inhale love for that  area of your body.

This cutting is not a replacement for not doing your spiritual work with that particular person. 
However, you will feel  a completion with that issue.
Cutting cords can give you a renewed sense of freedom. 
And never forget to thank all your welcomed guests that have helped you with this process. These entities love our Thank You's.
Blessins' of Love and Lite.