Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Journal Press Release Specials and Info

Journal Press Release

Natural healer promotes wellness in Milwaukee with special savings offer.
Milwaukee healer, Victoria Leigh of Abyss Mind Body Spirit Work Company, Inc. is offering $20 off any service for new clients or $10.00 off any service for present clients.

How great would it be to feel good all the time? Try as we might to hit the gym and eat right, life can just drag us down sometimes. Achieving our wellness goals is often easy in our mind, however can be flawed in the follow-through. To assist with change that truly improves your life, there is Victoria Leigh of Abyss Mind Body Spirit Work Company, Inc.

This natural healer in Milwaukee promotes wellness, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Victoria is a wellness professional dedicated to healing and creating a balance to maintain harmonious health patterns. Healing services provided include massage therapy, meditation classes in Milwaukee, energy clearings and more.

If you’ve never experienced the benefits of reiki, place your energy into the healing hands of this reiki master to restore your aura. Insight is the perfect complement to wellness, and Victoria Leigh utilizes her clairvoyant gift to provide exceptional tarot card readings in Milwaukee

Take the opportunity to act upon the life change that you’ve wanted to make. Now is the time to improve the present, and help shape your future with the services of Abyss Mind Body Spirit Work Company, Inc. To promote wellness and open up new individuals to natural and holistic healing, Victoria Leigh is offer a $20 discount off any service, from now until November 1st, 2013.

If you feel like you’ve tried everything to bring your life into balance, turn to the natural healing services of Victoria Leigh to restore your wellness for less.

About this natural healer in Milwaukee
For over 30 years, Victoria has devoted her life to helping others through the Bodywork healing process, which allows for balance of one’s body. Certified in cranial-sacral, lymphatic massage, and reflexology, this Milwaukee massage therapist has the healing hands to remove stress from her client’s lives. Victoria Leigh offers advice in many fields in holistic health. 

Some unique areas of interest include iridology, energy clearings, and tarot readings in Milwaukee. Each of these practices is in the benefit for her clients to renew the spirit, body, and mind.  Victoria Leigh is also a talented teacher offering Reiki Attunement, numerology, astrology and meditation classes. Her book Willful Wishing 12 Houses of Successes: Unlock the power of your wishes and grow within each season of time is available for purchase through her website at Call Victoria Leigh today to schedule an appointment with this Milwaukee holistic health provider.




natural healer in Milwaukee  --

meditation classes in Milwaukee --

benefits of reiki --

holistic healing --

Tarot card readings in Milwaukee --

Milwaukee massage therapist --

Rheiki Attunement --

Business Name:  Abyss Mind Body Spirit Work
Client Name: 
Victoria Leigh
Address: 3347 N. Bartlett Ave.
Phone: 414-332-8836
Blog: Victoria’s Wisdoms -

Boundary of Joy


bring joy

Access your spark of divinity.

Faith with the progress of your inner journey.
You've grown in your spiritual, mental and physical endeavor
 now is the time to bloom.
Body awareness allows you the awaking of all functions. 

You are ready.

Do this for you.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Retrain Your Brain Your Way

Re-train Your Brain
Each time you repeat a harmfull behavior -- overeating, overspending, procrastinating or any addictive behavior -- the brain circuits involved in that action become stronger. The brain associates this action with the situation that gave rise to it, such as being under great stress.
Over time time the brain becomes rewired to choose that behavior automaticly in any similar situation.
You can rewire your brain to choose constructive habits...

Step 1 : Re-lable
Negative habits are triggered by deceptive brain messages -- thoughts, beliefs and impulsives that run counter to your positive intentions.  Unpleasent emotions or physical sensations such as sadness, anxiety, anger or fatique. This comfort can become so intense you are driven to get rid of this as soon as possible. This is only tempory relief.
Relabeling means recognizing your impulsive negative thought,s as deceptive brain messages and calling them what they are, as they are happening.
I am craving -------- (something), just because I allowed this to become a habit for my negative thoughts.

Becoming aware of these messages can be challenging at first. To relabel,
Practice mental notes. Think of a positve mantra or one simple word,  that your brain can focus on to redirect what is going on in you temporairy thoughts. 
These simple steps can snap your self back to your awareness.
This is the first step toward doing something about your situation in a safe healthy productive way.

Step 2: Focus:
On your breathing. Enhance your ability to notice what's happening in a moment to moment way is by focusing on your breath. For five minutes, sit in a quiet place, close your eyes and simply pay attention. as you inhale and exhale, feeling your brain responding cantantly to your thinking Focused on breath for  10 to 15 minutes, than 15 to 25 minutes than up to 30 minutes once a day.
As you become aware of your deceptive brain messages. your perception and perspective of these messages will change or diminish. Question what is going on or what you are tellingg ypourself.
Be compassionate with yourself.
Use 15 minutes to wait as you allow yourself to resist the thought brain urge.
Examine your feeling to learn how your brain can have this thought or feeling pass.

Step 3: Re-focus:
Do something that requires your attention. exercise, persue your hobby or take the time to find one call a friend or cook. 
Just work on not allowing this uncomfortable thought to take over your mind, body and spirit.
You are training your brain to create new associations between your thought and healthy actions.

Step 4: Re-value:
Gain new perspective and strength to believe in your self.
Think at your own pace.
Remember you do not have to act on that deceptive thought.
The essence of revalue is redefing your goals.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Chase your own stars 
 allowing yourself
 the freedom to catch them

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Breath is a Blessing...

Close your eyes, thru feeling, follow the cycle of your body's circulation.
As you breathe, follow the air into your lungs,
as it enriches your bloodstream with vital oxygen.
Travel with the rich, life -sustaining fluid through your heart,
down your left side to each of your toes,
 back up the right side as it passes again through the lungs picking up more oxygen and repeating the cycle. Your blood does not complain 
about its repetitive lifestyle up and down your body,
delivering the same old nourisment to vital organs.
It has purpose in its cycle. Examine your external cycles.
Your daily routines that have purpose no matter how mundane.
They are apart of your life's cycles.
Find purpose in them and fulfill them,
your ability to perform them is a blessing.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Meditation can make the brain more powerful, leading to greater control of the physical body.
In past life regressions I have noticed that individuals who have died unexpectedly, seem to reincarnate to be more likely to come back quickly when they realize they are not of earth.
We are all choosing to finish what we have to do in our spiritual process. It seems these poor souls strive to get their purpose done. This is telling us we all have a purpose a mission to complete.
Also for transplant recipients take on characteristics of their donor, not just the transplanted organ. There is also  is also the matrix nerve patterns and non local info linked to these pathways.
Enjoy your time.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Food Cravings ... part 2

Food Cravings ... part 2

Crunchy foods, provoked by Aggression, Anxiety and Anger.  The crunch foods are a help to release tension.  Satisfy-iers’ when occupied with other activity.  This food has texture, you don’t have to concentrate on them to feel self eating.

Hot Foods. Most satisfying, especially soups.  Heat produces taste sensations.  Liquids help activate our taste buds.

Salty Foods.  Stress can trigger salt hunger.  When mind is preoccupied, it can’t devote as much energy as it usually does to processing taste sensations.

Food Cravings- Try This...

Food Cravings

Looking for Something                       Try this

Salty                                                                      Tomato Juice
    Tranquility                                                         Sardines
                       Pumpkin Seeds

Creamy                                                                  Bananas

 Crunchy                                                                Popcorn
  Release Tension                                                    Rice Cakes

Sweet                                                                    Fruit
  Releases Depression                                             Bread
                                                                               Dry Cereal

Spicy                                                                   Tomato Juice
                                                                               W/ Peppers
                                                                            Soda Crackers
                                                                               W/ Mustard

Chocolate                                                            Dry Chocolate Cereal
                                                                              Diet Chocolate Soda

Food Cravings – Related to Associations
Don’t DENY yourself.  Indulge in your cravings with a key component.

Craving for Carbohydrates (sweets and starches), substitute for comfort.  Serotonin, a substance that makes us feel “calmer” and “better” able to cope.  This is initiated by chemical reactions, which is produced by the brain, insulin produced by the pancreas is a reason for addiction and cravings.

Creamy food, cravings by people with passive personalities. Or there may be a secret wish for the simpler days of childhood.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Peace and Abundance

Peace and abundance can be the common ground, 
to understanding that we are truely not separate from each other. 
We all depend on each other. 
We all 'need' and require the same things -- fresh air, healthy food, clean water and  loving hearts. 
These are the very things we depend on others to create for themselves and for others. 
The deeper we understand that this is a coopertive process, not an individual or separate one, the more we reap the benefits from this. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

1    2    3   4   5   6   7   8    9

Numerology Class
Study thru the spiritual guidance of numbers.
Discover your strengths, your deep inner needs, talents and the way you deal with others. 
Karmic lessons are also shown. 
Each letter has a meaning from your name. Fun and laughs included.
July 8, 15, 22 2013
1:PM to 2PM and 6:30 to 7:30 PM
$85.00 New Class
All classes are at:
3347 N. Bartlett Ave.
MIlwaukee, WI.53211
414 332 8836
                                             Victoria Leigh

Monday, July 1, 2013

Gratful For Loving Me.

I am so gratful the every morning wake up 'loving me'. 
The rainbow of colord sparkles I see before I open my eyes,
 allow me to realize that 'I am shining and colorful' from the inside out. 
I realize that each hand or eye contact I share with people thru the day,
 will be thought of again and again.
Sparkles can premeate anything, anywhere.
Be attuned to yours.

Enjoy awesome in all you do.